MoJo Missing

MoJo last seen two months ago.

It seems that for the paste two years i have managed to post something for your delight. But now I have lost that drive and my drawing and writing Mo-Jo has departed and left me stranded.

If you could hang In there I would hope that It will be found sooner than later.

I feel bad as I have projects that are just not getting done.

Poke me If you think It will help and shout If you want .

Thank you for being there for me. The adventure will once again return at some point.

Yours Symatt 


  1. :manhugs:

    Your mojo will return. Drunk, slightly dishevelled and more than a little sorry for itself, but it will return. Mojos are like cats that way. Not that I have ever seen a drunk cat. Not knowingly, anyway.

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